Saturday 6 April 2013



This evening I attended a movie night, hosted by a lovely family that we've known for quite some time now. This particular house-hold owns a PlayStation 2, and one of my personal favourite games, Crash Twinsanity, both of which I borrow quite regularly.

"Why is it one of your favourite games?" I hear you ask in a dull, monotonous and clearly uninterested tone. 

Well, I think the title of this blog post should answer your question quite nicely.

The game, while I stand by my point that it is the best Crash Bandicoot game, is not over-the-top knock-your-socks-off you're-blowing-my-mind fantastic. Sure, it has a decent story-line, the music is marvellous, and the game-play is eiree yet beautiful. But all that being said, it's still far off being a perfect game.

So why do I enjoy it so much? Nostalgia, of course! If it weren't for the fact that I played it ad nauseum when I was younger, I probably wouldn't give a damn about it's existence. But now, because of my tendencies to get super nostalgic over rather insignificant things, I need to play this game from start to finish at least once a year to satisfy my delusional, un-settled little mind.

That got me thinking. What makes other people nostalgic? What about you, the person reading this? Most people I know don't care for playing Crash Bandicoot games or watching old Wiggles videos, because those particular things weren't prominent elements of their childhood. Nostalgia gets you emotionally attached to things that you'd normally be bored by, were it not for the memories that go with them. 

All I know about my obsession with this game is that all its little imperfections, its characters and its music brings back memories. Happy memories. Memories of being younger. I'm never going to experience being a child again. I might as well re-live it in my head.


Friday 5 April 2013

You know what?

I'd like to write about something. I'd like to entertain the masses of people that read my blog. I'd like to have a fun little rant, or talk about how much I love the book I'm currently reading. I'd like to do that.

But I can't. And you know why?

Because I did absolutely nothing of interest today.

So there's that.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Why, hello there.

What's this? A band-wagon? Well, give me a second so I can jump on it.

Hi, I'm Harry. I'm of an un-disclosed age, living at an un-disclosed location, going to an un-disclosed school, with an un-disclosed amount of siblings and an un-disclosed number of shirts.

Several of my friends have, in the past few months, started their own blogs ( and if you're interested or something).

As a side-note, those two friends are dating each other and I'm not supposed to say it's adorable, but I secretly think it's absolutely adorable. If I've told you enough about them to make you think "Huh, they sound like interesting individuals, I would like to be frequently updated on their lives," then give them a look. You never know, you might like what you see.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to say at this point. I should probably tell you that A) I'll most likely swear at some points in this blog, so be careful if you're religious/sensitive/easily offended/4 years old, and B) That I have no plans on what to write about on this blog. I suppose I'll just play it by ear and see what happens.

Watch this space. It'll be good for a laugh.